You are invited to contribute to Gus's Birthday Event!

Welcome to From Us, the ultimate message board, where you have been invited to contribute to someone's very special occasion.

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Contribute later

Enter your name to show how you’d like it displayed.

Use the name attached to your account or choose a more personal nickname, it's up to you!

Write a heartfelt message to make this occasion extra special!

Your headline and message have character limits. If you'd like to say more you can always record a video message in the next step!

65 characters left*
300 characters left*

Upload a photo or video to add a personal touch.

You can add 1 video (max 30mb) or up to 5 images (5mb each).


{My File Name}

There are no files uploaded yet...

Contribute to the gift!

Contributions are optional. If you would like to skip this step, just click 'Submit Contribution'.

Values above $1000, must be inputted manually.
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Photos or videos you add, will appear here...

Your title will appear as: [Display Name Preview].

Your message so far: [Message Preview]…

From Guardian Name